Saturday, 18 October 2008

#81 Visit the Edmonton Corn Maze

Status: Maize maze completed (What? Too corny?)

If you're thinking I'm padding this list out with cool things I've done that weren't particularly challenging or life-altering experiences, you'd be right. Well done. Want a medal?

Last night we headed out to the Edmonton Corn Maze (location: just west of the middle of nowhere) to rummage about in some maize for a couple of hours. As an Australian who grew up in the city, it was a strange experience - but for my Canadian chums who came along, it all seemed a rather normal way to spend a Friday evening.

Here's what the maze looks like this year.  Heck of a crop circle, eh?

We arrived about an hour after sunset, so the atmosphere was suitably creepy. The fright factor was ultimately cranked to 11 after we discovered the place was swarming with teenage twerps whose idea of a good time was to lob ears of corn at each other while screaming obscenities. It's nice to see the young whippersnappers take a break from knifing each other in the city's grimy underbelly, but a cob of corn could honest to God knock you unconscious when hurled sky high. It made things tenser than that crop-dusting scene in North By Northwest.

Anyway, we grabbed two "passports" of varying difficulties consisting of questions that lead you from one point in the maze to another. The difficult one required an absurd knowledge of the Indianapolis 500, while the easy one (alright, it was "for tots") offered up the conundrum of whether corn is grown in outer space. I'm surprised we made it out at all.

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