Friday 5 October 2007

#26 Walk the dog three times a week for a month

Status: In progress... NOW!

Okay, thanks to the graveyard shifts of terror at 7-Helleven, which led to me working 27 hours per day, this was simply impossible over the past month. Now that those days nights are mercifully behind me, I can get stuck into this important little task.

I know walking Dana mightn't seem like a particularly character-building job, but if you knew how little exercise I actually do, you'd be encouraging me like there's no tomorrow. Consider this the closest thing my list will have to an item that reads "Join a gym".

Unless I'm desperate for 101 items.

Really desperate.

1 comment:


    Jasper and I got across the street today, then got fixated on a fire hydrant...then went home.

    Still, keep this up, don't you be coming back with a beer belly!
